Either a new crag or one RoCs has been to before

How many days and when

Have a chat to RoCs Meets Officer re new event

Check RoCs library for a guide book for the area

Overnight stays, campsites or climbing huts

Post the new meet on the RoCs Forum
If you would like to organise a new meet, read the guidance notes below
RoCs Meets Guide Notes
So you wish to organise a meet for RoCs club members and you have never done anything like this before? We’re here to help.
1. If it is a new venue for ROCs you will need to suggest somewhere to stay, either at a camp site or a hut / bunkhouse. We often camp during the warmer periods of the year. Winter meets tend to be in a bunk house accommodation although some warmer period meets use bunk houses or huts. It is up to you what type of accommodation you prefer to suggest or use. Some campsites have Pods or Bunk rooms for non- campers so there are often options for members to choose from.
2. Having local knowledge of the climbing area is useful, especially if RoCs have not climbed there before. Check the RoCs library to see if we have any guide books of the area. If not, we may decide to buy a new guide book.
3. Just suggest venue and dates to the Meets Officer. He will organise getting the new meet added to the website and RoCs Forum, where you can launch the new meet and gather interest.
4. Monitor interest to see who is interested in going and add their names to the list on the page. Nearer the date, you may be able to help co-ordinate lift sharing depending on who is going.
5. Book the accommodation: Secure the number of places with the bunkhouse or hut in good time for the number of members going and the correct number of nights each member is staying. For camp sites, just a call to the owners can secure places without a deposit, depending on location and time of year.
6. If the venue has been used before by RoCs then usually we know of a campsite, hut or bunk house we have used before, so it is very simple to organise.
7. The meet organizer should tell all members attending a meet of any specific rules which may apply to the campsite, bunkhouse or hut. However, it is up to the individual members to conduct themselves according to the accommodation rules. Nearly all campsites request quiet behaviour after 11 pm, so we need to ensure this guideline is followed by all members when we are away on meets. We do not wish to create a bad impression of RoCs on tour to campsite owners or to other campers. This may also apply at bunkhouses or huts we are sharing with other individuals.
8. Make sure there are enough experienced leaders attending the meet and any club gear required (Abseil rope and gear if required, spare helmets and nut keys for new members and the relevant guide books for the areas you are intending to visit). The leaders should have enough ropes and lead gear between them for other members to attend who only have their basic personal equipment to climb with.
9. The Meets Officer is not responsible for any medical condition of a member or to provide any medical or technical support to an individual member due to any medical condition that member may have or may declare to anyone within the club. The Meets Officer is not liable in any way as a result of any incident occurring on a club event which may or may not have been caused, or the outcome affected by, a recognised medical condition of a Club Member. Club members should declare any issues, including medical issues, that may affect or influence their abilities during club activities. All members are requested to carry an Additional Information form stating any medical condition requirements.
- 10.For all outside meets, all RoCs members MUST WEAR A CLIMBING HELMET WHEN CLIMBING OR BELAYING. We can loan a helmet and nut key to members new to outdoor climbing.